Steve Yarbrough, CEO, Benchmark Securities

After being totally discouraged in talking with the two brokers I found on my own, you may remember my partner recommended I talk with you.  Wow – I just remember what a pleasant surprise I had on our first call when we talked.  First, I think you truly understood what we wanted; from size, to time when we needed it, to image we wanted to portray, to our intense technology requirements and finally to the cost and the terms of the lease.  Most importantly, not only did you figure out what we wanted quickly, you also found something that was perfect, when no one else had any ideas.  But finding the space we wanted was only half our battle.  Lee, I don’t write praise letters very often, but the service and advisory abilities we continued to get “after the sale”, was really much more than I expected.  With space demolition and your ability to get fiber run to an old building, was really more concern and follow through than I have ever had with a commercial broker.  I guess this letter is just to say a big thanks to you.

Kelley Ivancovich, Owner, Freemont Properties

I am an out of state owner of a 20,000 square foot building in Orlando. Lee was extremely diligent in his efforts to fill our building vacancy. Understanding these are challenging lease time, Lee did an outstanding job by securing a quality ten year tenant. The deal structure involved lengthy negotiations to get both parties to a win-win. I am very pleased with Lee’s pro-active approach, attention to detail and creating value for our company. I highly recommend his services.